Parents Greet Teachers With Wristbands

In the latest show of support for Syracuse teachers, parents stood outside several schools across the city this morning, greeting the educators with smiles, signs and silcone wristbands.

At other schools, parents dropped off the wristbands for distribution to the teachers.

The dark blue wristbands said "Thank you!" on one side and "I am appreciated" on the other.

The giveaway grew out of a website created by Tina and Melissa Lesley-Fox, who also did chalk drawings outside five schools earlier this month to provide messages of support after many city teachers received disappointing -- the parents say inaccurate -- performance evaluations.

Parents raised more than $1,100 and ordered 3,200 wristbands -- enough for all the teachers, teaching assistants, counselors, school psychologists and related employees in the city schools.

At H.W. Smith K-8 this morning, Heidi Teska and Sharon Spear, who purchased the wristbands, arrived in the dark before 7 a.m. to stand at opposite entrances of the school with their children and a handful of other parents and children and hand out the bands.

The children displayed signs reading, "We Love Teachers," "Teachers Rule" and "Teachers Are Awesome."

"We just want to say thank you for all you do," Spear said as a teacher approached the door, looking quizzically at the gathering.

"Thank you," the surprised teacher said as she accepted a wristband with a reaction typical of many teachers this morning. "I'm going to cry."

In a previous show of support for teachers, students at Henninger High School lined the sidewalk Oct. 18 to applaud as their teachers walked into the building together in a show of unity.


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