Tyvek Wristbands are most popular wristbands for events, security and crowd control. This wristbands are water resistant and have a waterproof that is guaranteed to stay on in the water.They are excellent choice for short-term use at any event and have security diecuts to prevent tampering and multiple use while still being comfortable and easy to put on.
Kids love and keep them for souvenirs,fun, bright colors and patterns that attract attention. Tyvek wristbands can be imprinted with a logo or text. Tyvek is an affordable, durable, and secure wristband. The specially formulated security adhesive closure assures maximum security.It is available with Several different pack options, High visibility identification and Wide variety of colors and styles, seasonal wristbands.
The bands comes in two sizes, 1 inch wide by 10 inches long and ¾ inch wide by 10 incheslong.Each band is sequentially numbered and it is made from 100% recyclable material. It Saves time like staff and security can easily see wristbands, no need to re-check ID.
The bands comes in two sizes, 1 inch wide by 10 inches long and ¾ inch wide by 10 incheslong.Each band is sequentially numbered and it is made from 100% recyclable material. It Saves time like staff and security can easily see wristbands, no need to re-check ID.
customized Tyvek wristbands also available that allows you to create your own tyvek printed design, with your logo or message. This wristbands allows you to create a completely unique wristband for your event and which can help you run your event smoothly by preventing fraud and still allowing you to have easy crowd control.
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